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Sydney Wasswa

GBB23446 Sydney from the very beginning of his story, God has been protecting him from the hand of the enemy. When Sydney’s mother found out that she was pregnant with twins, her family rejected her because she was unmarried. The father pressured her to have an abortion. When she refused, he left her and disappeared. A friend took her in, and eventually, she married another man who took care of her, Sydney and his twin, and their other siblings. They were raised in the Katogo slums, very close to Gaba Community Church.

Through Gaba Community Church, Sydney’s mother was enfolded into the local community and gave her life to Christ. Her faith led her to separate from Sydney’s stepfather because of his involvement in witchcraft. Instead, she wanted to bring up her children to know God. Surrounded by love and care in the context of a faith community, Sydney was enrolled in Africa Renewal's Child Development Program and received a sponsor. Being in the program dramatically impacted Sydney’s life and he has become a strong leader in his community. Without sponsorship, Sydney probably would not have been able to attend school, but he has been an excellent student, taking advanced courses that most other students are not able to reach.

Sydney participated in our Transformational Leadership Training that only a select group of students gets to attend. Through this 3-month intensive program, he was challenged mentally, physically, and spiritually, growing in his interpersonal skills and his relationship with Christ. He says of this transformative experience, “My prayer life changed, and I started to hear from the Lord. Prayer is no longer a burden to me as it used to be.” Sydney was recognized as one of the students with the most leadership potential coming out of TLT. He is prayerfully optimistic about the opportunity to go to university and his hope is to study computer science. The Lord has always gone before him, and he trusts that he will continue to protect and provide no matter what the future may hold.

Affirmation from our Staff: “Sydney’s life is so encouraging. He has greatly transformed into a responsible Christian leader, selfless in service and with a very humble spirit.”

DOB: 07/12/2002