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Solomon Kisakye

MUBJS27896 Solomon is from Mubende-Jabez. He lost his father when he was younger, and his single mother who is HIV positive always struggled to provide for him and his siblings. Through Africa Renewal's Child Development Program, Solomon and his family received much needed assistance, were welcomed into the community of the local church, heard the hope of the gospel.

Not only did Solomon get the chance to go to school and become an exemplary student, but he was also mentored and discipled by our staff who helped him to develop leadership skills and modeled God's love to him. Solomon gave his life to Christ and became deeply involved in the church, serving in many areas including helping with Awana, leading groups in Sunday school, and singing on the worship team.

Academically, Solomon excelled and was able to graduate from the advanced level of high school, a goal the many students are not able to achieve. He attended our Transformational Leadership Training which is only open to a select group of student leaders and was challenged mentally, physically, and spiritually, growing in his interpersonal skills and his relationship with Christ. After TLT, he became eligible for the Next Generation Leadership Program, our university-level sponsorship program, but he did not receive a sponsor. Since he is so dedicated to serving his community and continues to help out at the CDP with the younger children, the staff pooled funds and were able to raise enough money to support Solomon in his first semester of university last year! But this was a temporary solution, and Solomon still needs a sponsor so that he can continue his education and receive in-depth discipleship to become a fully-equipped Christian leader who will transform society.
DOB: 09/16/2000