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Rogers Semakula

NG01073 Growing up in Kasangati, Rogers’s parents always struggled to provide for the family. With barely enough to care for Rogers and his siblings, there was no opportunity for them to receive an education. Fortunately, Rogers was able to be enrolled in Africa Renewal’s Child Development Program and received a sponsor, enabling him to go to school, to receive medical care, and to be mentored and discipled by our CDP staff.

Because of the assistance they received, Rogers says, “Hope and joy were restored in my family because the struggles with my education had come to an end.” Through the program, Rogers’s family was enfolded into the community of the local church and shown the love of God in tangible ways. Having this kind of support was like a new family coming alongside him who helped him to grow in faith. Rogers gave his life to Christ, and as he continued to go to church and attend camps and Center Days, he began to see real transformation happening in his life.

Rogers excelled academically, going on to the advanced level of high school and taking higher level courses that many students are not able to qualify for. When he graduated, he was recognized as a leader in his community and given the chance to participate in our Transformational Leadership Training, a program made available to a select group of our top student leaders. Then, through our Next Generation Leadership Program, Rogers was able to begin university. He has been studying Interior Design and Landscape Development at Buganda Royal Institute and expects to graduate in 2026. Recently, Rogers lost his sponsorship and he needs a new sponsor to continue his studies. He and our NGLP staff are trusting the Lord to provide for his needs so that he can complete his degree and use his talents as a Christlike leader to impact society.

In Rogers’s own words: “NGLP has impacted my life greatly; and it wasn’t a blessing to me alone but to my family at large. Through NGLP, I have started living a life of purpose and I have learned that I can only find my purpose in Christ alone! I believe and trust God for a new sponsor as I continue to pursue my career goals, growing more in Christ and also bringing my hope back to life once again.”
DOB: 08/23/2003